These are some doodles that i've created over a year. I first started drawing them about a year ago when i was sitting in school with a huge craving to draw shapes so i just started drawing and these are what came out of it. Now when ever i go to doodle in class, i produce a graffiti like design similar to these. There's no plan to them or how they'll turn out i just draw with out thinking about what i'm doing and they actually ended up looking pretty cool. :]
This is the first complete design I did during my Junior Cert mock exams.
My Homework Diary.
Insinde My Homework Diary.
Two Different Types of Blue.
Black Pen, Blue Pen and Yellow Highlighter.
Im Not Too Sure What This Is.
This too.
Spanish Homework.
Back of My Irish College Handbook.
Front of My Irish College Handbook.
Not Quite Finished.
Maths Copy.
Back of My Hardback Notebook.